Lucky Kitty

lucky happy vibrant kitty

This image came about both to fill a need in the portfolio as well as a recent art show at project one in San Francisco. The original image was photographed against white and while liked the image a lot, it needed something extra to pull it together. Without the art show request or the portfolio need, I might not have kept pushing to find a solution that worked. You know an image works when you just have to print it out and have it sit by you just because you love to look at it.

There’s something very loving about the Good Fortune Kitty or Maneki Neko. She is a money blessing after all and the bright yellow/gold seems to invoke a positive emotional reaction which I find intriguing. Perhaps there’s a series in this for me if I can find more ‘happy vibe’ statuettes, not an easy task since many are somewhat odd or almost creepy looking.

More images available on my portfolio site.